Welcome to my artist’s newsletter #2, I’m delighted you’re reading this. Let’s start with…
A Breakthrough! The last month, I’ve been reflecting, writing, researching, and experimenting. In doing so, I’ve found the key to unlocking a creative block I’ve combated for 30+ years! I’ve never had any problems with photography, but I’ve had decades of struggle with painting, and with my identity as an artist. Combining photography and painting, is proving to be the answer. The outcome is that I’m motivated, feeling very positive and possibility-minded, and have been immersed in creative action. I’ve also been blogging like wildfire, as you’ll see below.
- Featured! I’m delighted that an image of mine was featured in an article highlighting rural photos, by Glass! In my related blog post, I dive into why rural is important to me, share a few more of my submissions, plus 18 terrific photos by other Glass photographers. Take a look.
- Wallpaper for your desktop or tablet. Download three wallpapers at the web version of this newsletter (fits screens up to 2560 wide).
[This is a benefit for people who’ve signed up for my artist updates. I invite you to sign up, too! Learn more here.]

Mentors. Since 2020, I’ve had an informal mentor in the wonderfully thoughtful and brilliant Edo Amin. Now, I have a second mentor, a professional photographer who I’ve become acquainted with online. I am so thankful! If you’re considering finding a mentor (multiple mentors are recommended):
- Listen to “The Photo Mentor and Mentorship,” with pointers useful to anyone.
- Write down a list of things you want to know, or get help with.
- Practice asking questions the right way.
- Interact with more with people you look up to, in-person or online. A casual mentor is likely to appear.
Thoughts on Copyright Protection — I am concerned about art theft. Here, I discuss types of copyright, intellectual property rights and protection, as well as infringement and enforcement, with pointers to helpful resources. (This blog post got a thumbs up from a copyright lawyer.) Read more.
Shutter Happy: A Tale of Too Many Photographs — We’ve been traveling a lot, which led to this post. How does one balance the easy creation of photos, with the reality of sorting, storing and processing them? Get some tips. Read more.
I’ve been quite busy conducting tests and blogging about…
Experimenting with Painting on Photos
- Part 1 — Where I explore professional printing services, fine art papers, painting methods, supplies, and execute my first little experiment … which was a complete failure.
- Part 2 — Next, I devise a plan, and share my second set of experiments. The process was very informative.
- Part 3 — Experience experiment frustration with me, learn some fun personal info, and harvest all the takeaways, without all the hassle.
I Appreciate You!
Thanks for reading. Feel free to reply to this email with questions or comments. It’s great that you let me keep in touch with you!
Marlene Breitenstein
P.S. See what I’m sharing on, and my web site,
© Marlene Breitenstein. I welcome your inquiries about purchasing, licensing, or republishing my work.